My poor neglected blog. No wonder I could never keep a diary. We do have an exciting life really..Ok ,well not that exciting, but here is what we have been up to!
I have been practicing with my camera. I still cant think quick enough what settings to put things on. We went out on Forrest Rd yesterday to try and get a photo of Bill riding his bike. I didnt really take into account the shadows in a forrest. And having a tripod set up on the side of the road pointing at the oncoming traffic had the effect of rapid decleleration in case I held an official position of law and order (he he). I think I'll try again on an overcast day. Odd isnt it, how I pick the first sunny day in 3 weeks to try and take shady photos.
We had hot chips in the park after church this morning. The kids all had a great time - after sooooo much rain, they had nearly forgotten what it was to play in the grass!

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