Can you teach me to ride??
You may well think that after spending a week with her elbow in a backslab, teaching Grace to ride a bike may not be the best idea. Probably right. She survived intact however. We ignored her request to take the training wheels off. She has no fear!
Sometimes an idea occurs to you and you wonder why you never thought of it before. Obvious really.
The dog has been driving us crazy living in the BBQ area. He has chewed all the tables. Lifts his leg on the chairs. Has generally made himself at home. Then like a lighting bolt...we (ie Bill) could build a fence! So that has been the project for the afternoon - after the mandatory trip to Bunnings of course. Any excuse will do. *sigh*
So now there is half a fence. The gate may happen tomorrow. So there Chip! You are OUT big boy!
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